Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Lower Terrace, Lower Portico South (Portico of Obelisks), west wall 10. Hatshepsut (erased) before ithyphallic Amun (name unpreserved, restored) sitting in front of the offering table
Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Lower Terrace, Lower Portico South (Portico of Obelisks), west wall 10. Hatshepsut (erased) before ithyphallic Amun (name unpreserved, restored) sitting in front of the offering table Rituals Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of her an offering table and Hatshepsut Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of her an offering table and Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn [...] ḥtp-nṯr [...] ḥr.t-jb Wȝs.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Hathor Shrine, Hypostyle Hall I, north wall Hatshepsut before Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of Hathor an offering table Hatshepsut before Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of Hathor an offering table Ritual type: offering great offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Hathor Shrine, Hypostyle Hall I, north wall Enthroned queen Ahmes in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned queen Ahmes in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t-ḥtp], ḥtp-dj-[Jm]n n ḥm.t nswt ʿḥ-ms Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche D, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t-ḥtp], ḥtp-dj-[Jm]n-Rʿ n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche D, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering nw-vases Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj[.t] [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, south wall Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ].t ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-[dj-Jmn-nswt] n ʿȝ-ḫpr-n-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche H, north wall Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t] ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-dj-nswt-[Jmn] n Mn-ḫpr-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche D, south wall Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: - Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Chapel of Thutmose I, north wall Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of her an offering table and Hatshepsut
Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of her an offering table and Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn [...] ḥtp-nṯr [...] ḥr.t-jb Wȝs.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Hathor Shrine, Hypostyle Hall I, north wall Hatshepsut before Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of Hathor an offering table Hatshepsut before Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of Hathor an offering table Ritual type: offering great offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Hathor Shrine, Hypostyle Hall I, north wall Enthroned queen Ahmes in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned queen Ahmes in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t-ḥtp], ḥtp-dj-[Jm]n n ḥm.t nswt ʿḥ-ms Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche D, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t-ḥtp], ḥtp-dj-[Jm]n-Rʿ n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche D, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering nw-vases Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj[.t] [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, south wall Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ].t ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-[dj-Jmn-nswt] n ʿȝ-ḫpr-n-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche H, north wall Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t] ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-dj-nswt-[Jmn] n Mn-ḫpr-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche D, south wall Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: - Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Chapel of Thutmose I, north wall Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Hatshepsut before Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of Hathor an offering table
Hatshepsut before Hathor-cow in a shrine suckling Hatshepsut and protecting her, in front of Hathor an offering table Ritual type: offering great offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Hathor Shrine, Hypostyle Hall I, north wall Enthroned queen Ahmes in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned queen Ahmes in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t-ḥtp], ḥtp-dj-[Jm]n n ḥm.t nswt ʿḥ-ms Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche D, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t-ḥtp], ḥtp-dj-[Jm]n-Rʿ n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche D, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering nw-vases Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj[.t] [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, south wall Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ].t ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-[dj-Jmn-nswt] n ʿȝ-ḫpr-n-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche H, north wall Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t] ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-dj-nswt-[Jmn] n Mn-ḫpr-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche D, south wall Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: - Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Chapel of Thutmose I, north wall Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Enthroned queen Ahmes in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t-ḥtp], ḥtp-dj-[Jm]n n ḥm.t nswt ʿḥ-ms Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche D, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t-ḥtp], ḥtp-dj-[Jm]n-Rʿ n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche D, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering nw-vases Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj[.t] [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, south wall Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ].t ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-[dj-Jmn-nswt] n ʿȝ-ḫpr-n-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche H, north wall Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t] ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-dj-nswt-[Jmn] n Mn-ḫpr-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche D, south wall Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: - Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Chapel of Thutmose I, north wall Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t-ḥtp], ḥtp-dj-[Jm]n-Rʿ n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche D, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering nw-vases Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj[.t] [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, south wall Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ].t ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-[dj-Jmn-nswt] n ʿȝ-ḫpr-n-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche H, north wall Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t] ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-dj-nswt-[Jmn] n Mn-ḫpr-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche D, south wall Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: - Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Chapel of Thutmose I, north wall Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Hatshepsut accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering nw-vases Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj[.t] [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, south wall Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ].t ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-[dj-Jmn-nswt] n ʿȝ-ḫpr-n-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche H, north wall Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t] ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-dj-nswt-[Jmn] n Mn-ḫpr-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche D, south wall Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: - Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Chapel of Thutmose I, north wall Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Thoth, offering list and offerings before enthroned Thutmose II Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ].t ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-[dj-Jmn-nswt] n ʿȝ-ḫpr-n-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche H, north wall Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t] ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-dj-nswt-[Jmn] n Mn-ḫpr-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche D, south wall Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: - Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Chapel of Thutmose I, north wall Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Enthroned Thutmose III in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: [dbḥ.t] ḥtp ḥnḳ.t, ḥtp-dj-nswt-[Jmn] n Mn-ḫpr-Rʿ Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Courtyard, west wall, small niches, niche D, south wall Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: - Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Chapel of Thutmose I, north wall Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Enthroned Thutmose I followed by his striding ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: - Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Chapel of Thutmose I, north wall Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wdn ḥtp-nṯr mn n Psḏ.t.f Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Statue Room, chapel A, east wall Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Enthroned Thutmose I in front of an offering table with an offering list, before him Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche E, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-dj-[Jmn] n nswt bjtj Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ, [dbḥ].t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, niche C, east wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table Ritual type: Ritual type: ḥtp-nṯr offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Royal Cult, Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, niche B, north wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before Amun Ritual type: offering wine Title of the scene: Title of the scene: rdj.t jrp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, south wall Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun
Hatshepsut and Thutmose III accompanied by Neferu-Ra in front of an offering table, before the bark of Amun Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: rdj.t ḳbḥw, rdj.t jrt.t Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Main Sanctuary of Amun, Bark Hall, north wall Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Hatshepsut with ka before the offering table before enthroned Anubis Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t n Jnpw nb Tȝ-ḏsr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t wdn rdj.t mȝʿ.t ʿȝ.t n Jmn nb ns.wt tȝ.wj Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Middle Terrace, Lower Shrine of Anubis, Hypostyle Hall, west wall Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Thutmose III presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering god's offering Title of the scene: Title of the scene: wȝḥ ḥtp-nṯr Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Northern Chamber of Amun, west wall Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Hatshepsut accompanied by queen Ahmes in front of an offering table before enthroned Amun-Ra Ritual type: offering table scene Title of the scene: no title Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Upper Shrine of Anubis, niche, south wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: unpreserved Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, east wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb [...] Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, north wall, niche C, west wall Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
Enthroned Hatshepsut in front of an offering table with an offering list, before her Iunmutef Ritual type: royal offering table scene Title of the scene: Title of the scene: jr.t ḥtp-dj-nswt wʿb sp 2-nw n Mȝʿ.t-kȝ-Rʿ; dbḥ.t-ḥtp Site: Site: Thebes: West Bank, temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Upper Terrace, Complex of the Solar Cult, Altar Courtyard, west wall, niche B, north wall Scene 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) 6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored)
6. Hatshepsut (erased, cartouche erased) in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun (restored) Scene Subject: Presentation offerings 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) 10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene « 1 2 3 »
10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved)
10. Thutmose III in front of an offering table presenting offerings to enthroned Amun-[Ra] (restored, name partly preserved) Scene Subject: Offering table before enthroned god 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) 019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene
019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard)
019. Thutmose III → in front of an offering table before Iunyt ← , Atum ← (both restored) and ka of Hatshepsut ← (standard) Scene Subject: Offering table scene