8.3 cm
9.7 cm
Found by the Egyptian Expedition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the spring of 1924 in the south-east corner of the Lower Courtyard.
Archive photo:
MMA photo CN 29
- Hayes, William C., A Selection of Tuthmoside Ostraca from Dēr El-Baḥri, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 46, 1960, 36-37, Pl(s). XI [9], XI A [9]
- Helck, Wolfgang, Zur Verwaltung des Mittleren und Neuen Reichs, Probleme der Ägyptologie 3, Leiden, Köln 1958, 288
- Helck, Wolfgang, Die Berufung des Veziers Wśr, in: Firchow, Otto, Ägyptologische Studien, Berlin 1955, 117
- Winlock, Herbert Eustis, The Egyptian Expedition 1923-1924, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 19.12, 1924, 20, Fig(s). 20
- Winlock, Herbert Eustis, Excavations at Deir el-Bahri 1911-1931, New York 1942, 91