Inscriptions on the lintel:
Inscription to the right of the winged sun-disc:
bḥd.t.(j) nṯr ʿȝ
Inscription to the left of the winged sun-disc:
bḥd.t.(j) nṯr ʿȝ
Main inscription:
1ʿnḫ nswt bjt.j (mȝʿ.t-kȝ-rʿ)| dj ʿnḫ ḏd wȝs.t
ʿnḫ nswt bjt.j (mȝʿ.t-kȝ-rʿ)| dj ʿnḫ ḏd wȝs.t
2[...] [(ḥȝt-šps.wt-ḫnm.t-jmn])| mj rʿ ḏt
[...] [(ḥȝt-šps.wt-ḫnm.t-jmn])| mj rʿ ḏt
3mr.jj.t [rʿ-ḥr.w-ȝḫ].tj
[mr.j]j.[t] [...]
Inscription of the right door-jamb:
1[...] ḥm-nṯr tp.j [n jmn] ḥpw-snb mȝʿ ḫrw
2[...] [ḫt nb.t] nfr.t wʿb.t n kȝ n jmj-rȝ ḥm.w-nṯr n.w šmȝ mḥ.w ḥpw-snb mȝʿ ḫrw
Inscription on the left door-jamb:
1[...] [ḥpw]-snb mȝʿ ḫrw
2ḥtp ḥr.w mḫ nb [...] [ḫ]t nb.t n kȝ n jmj-rȝ ḥm.w-nṯr n.w šmʿ mḥ.w ḥpw-snb mȝʿ ḫrw
Inscription on the lintel:
Inscription to the right of the winged sun-disc:
Behdetite, the Great God.
Inscription to the left of the winged sun-disc:
Behdetite, the Great God.
Main inscription:
1Live the king of Upper and Lower Egypt (Ma‘at-ka-Ra)|, given life, stability, and dominon!
Live the king of Upper and Lower Egypt (Ma‘at-ka-Ra)|, given life, stability, and dominion!
2[...] [(Hatshepsut-khenemet-Amen])|, like Ra, forever!
[...] [(Hatshepsut-khenemet-Amen])|, like Ra, forever!
3Beloved (fem.) of [Ra-Horakh]ty.
[Belov]e[d of] [...]
Inscription of the right door-jamb:
1[...] first priest [of Amun] Hapu-seneb, true of voice.
2[...] [every thing] good and pure for the ka of the overseer of the priests of the South and the North Hapu-seneb, true of voice.
Inscription on the left door-jamb:
1[...] [Hapu]-seneb, true of voice.
2Offering for Horus Mekhenti-irti, lord of [...] every [thi]ng for the ka of the overseer of the priests of the South and the North Hapu-seneb, true of voice.