Gebel es-Silsilah: Shrine 16, south wall 4. Sen-en-mut (erased) in front of an assembly of gods seated in two registers

Filip Taterka
June 4, 2018
Main inscription:

1[…] n [jmn] […] [jmj-rȝ ʿẖ] ḫrp jȝt nb.(t) nṯr.t sn[-n-mwt mȝʿ ḫrw] 2[…] ḫtm.
w [bjt.j] 3[…] 4[…] 5[…] mȝʿ ḫrw

Inscription above the first sitting deity (lower register):

1dj.[f] ʿnḫ ḏd wȝs 2ẖnmw ḥr.(j) 3ȝbw 

Inscription above the second sitting deity (lower register):

1dj.s ʿnḫ ḏd wȝs 2sṯt nb.t 3ȝbw

Inscription above the third sitting deity (lower register):

1dj.s ʿnḫ ḏd wȝs 2ʿnḳt jmȝ.t 3[mwt].s

Inscription above the fourth sitting deity (lower register):

1dj.f ʿnḫ ḏd wȝs 2sbk nb 3ẖn.w
Main inscription:

1[…] to [Amun] […] [overseer of the audience chamber], controller of every divine office Sen[-en-mut, true of voice]. 2[…] the seal-bearer of the king 3[…] 4[…] 5[…] true of voice.

Inscription above the first sitting deity (lower register):

1May he give life, stability, and dominion! – 2Khnum, chief of 3Abu.

Inscription above the second sitting deity (lower register):

1May she give life, stability, and dominion! – 2Satet, lady of 3Abu.

Inscription above the third sitting deity (lower register):

1May she give life, stability, and dominion! – 2Anuqet, the favourite one of 3her [mother].

Inscription above the fourth sitting deity (lower register):

1May he give life, stability, and dominion! – 2Sobek, lord of 3Khenu.

Translation by Filip Taterka


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