offering god's offering
Title of the scene: jr.t wdn [...] ḥtp-nṯr [...] ḥr.t-jb Wȝs.t
hypostyle hall
Hathor-cow, Lady of Thebes, Who is Upon [...] (restored)
Hathor-cow turned right, suckling kneeling Hatshepsut and protecting Hatshepsut standing in front of her
Costume of the officiant(s): sun disk between cow's horns and a uraeus pendant on the head, menat-necklace
no requisites
shrine of Hathor
Hatshepsut (erased)
Position of the officiant(s): turned right, striding with the left arm along the body and the right hand raised and extended forward holding a sekhem-sceptre
Costume of the officiant(s):
khepresh-crown, false beard, wesekh-collar, loin-cloth with a triangular apron, bull's tail
khepresh-crown, false beard, wesekh-collar, loin-cloth with a triangular apron, bull's tail
Requisites of the officiant(s): sekhem-sceptre in the right hand
no sequence
1. Hatshepsut presenting offerings to Horus
2. Hatshepsut presenting offerings to Sematawy
3. Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table
4. Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut
1. Hatshepsut presenting offerings to Horus
2. Hatshepsut presenting offerings to Sematawy
3. Hatshepsut followed by her ka in front of an offering table
4. Thutmose III in front of an offering table before Iunyt, Atum and ka of Hatshepsut