How to use

Admin Sensilabs
June 29, 2018


For more effective and comfortable use of all possibilities we recommend to read this guide.


Data bases


The page was designed as a page constructed mainly on the basis of data bases. Data collected in the data bases focuses on seven subjects: sites, scenes, objects, people, gods, and documents.

You can also read regular articles, sometimes related to the content of the data bases.
The data base of sites is the most developed one and it will let you move from general information to details. General description contains, among others, the data concerning precise location and features of the terrain, the description and interpretation of the site, information about history of the site and history of excavations including the URL address to the mission currently working at the site, and bibliography devoted to the site. From general description you can move to details by selecting one of the parts of the site.
The data base of objects has the highest number of entries. Apart from the information you can reach in the data base, there are also links which will take you from to web pages of museums (if only such a data is introduced): you simply have to click on the name of the object and the description of the object on the web page of the museum will open in a separate window.
People and Gods
The data bases of people and gods collect all available data regarding people living in the times of Hatshepsut and gods attested in this period: their names, titles/epithets, attestations, members of the family (for people), and bibliography. The names and titles/epithets are listed separately and all versions of their spellings together with bibliography are included.
The data base of documents gives the possibility to understand the times of Hatshepsut for those who do not know the Egyptian language, but is also a convenient tool for everybody. It is connected to the data base of objects and apart from translation of documents it also provides data concerning attestations of gods, royal and private names, their titles and epithets as well as attestations of geographical names.


Apart from data grouped in the main data bases: sites, objects, people, gods and documents, you can also search the bibliography, missions, explorers, and museums. To make the searches more effective, tags were added to all data located in data bases.

All data bases are searchable and interconnected to give the most complete information and serve as a convenient tool for every scholar.

There are two types of searches: simple search and advanced search.

Using simple search you are looking for keywords that appeared in the course of the page.

Using advanced search you have an opportunity to search in a particular data base, to connect groups of subjects or to choose from hints we prepared. It was designed to help you make a more precise investigation.



Bibliography was prepared to give you not only the data regarding books or articles but also to let you open the publication in a separate window if only such a possibility exists. As some publications are accessible only by subscription, marks were added to publications to show if it can be found in electronic version and if so, what kind of access it is:

link for free access
$ for subscription.

We wish you a pleasant and effective use of all options given by

and hope it will contribute to your success in the study of ancient Egypt.





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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.