Wadi Shatt er-Regal

Jadwiga Iwaszczuk
June 29, 2018
graffiti area
1st Upper Egyptian nome

Wadi goes from the Nile westwards to the desert, its average width is 40m and its height changes from 4 to 30m.

Wadi Shatt er-Regal was a source of sandstone, although the extraction of stone was rather limited and was attested only at the entrance to the wadi.[1] In this area, as well as on the surrounding plateau, over 800 graffiti were found. They show that the wadi was attractive for the rulers of the early 18th dynasty, as inscriptions mentioning names of Amenhotep I, Hatshepsut, Thutmose I, II and III are present there.[2]

The best known inscription can be dated to the reign of Mentuhotep II Nebhepetra and on the right side of the same rock[3] first of the inscriptions made by one of the officials acting during the early years of Hatshepsut, the Overseer of Works of Amenhotep I, Hatshepsut, Thutmose I, II and III, Ah-mes Pen-iati can be found.

Further to the west, another inscription of this official was carved. The location of this inscription was given by W.M.F. Petrie: "far up the ravine, on rock round a corner turning to the S.E.[4]

The reason for Pen-iati's visits in Wadi Shatt er-Regal remains unknown, H.E. Winlock and A. Peden supposed that he went there to see the inscriptions from the reign of Mentuhotep II.[5] However, taking into account that officials of the queen usually  left their inscriptions in areas of quarries and mines, it seems more likely that this region, known very early in the history judging by the inscriptions, was interesting for Hatshepsut as a source of stone, perhaps extracted for a special purpose.


  1. ^ 270: Stones and Quarries in Ancient Egypt - - 2008 - Klemm, Rosemarie, Klemm, Dietrich D..
  2. ^ 393: Wadi Schatt er-Rigale, in: Wolfgang Helck, Eberhard Otto (eds.), Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Band VI, Stele-Zypresse - - 1986 - Caminos, Ricardo A..
  3. ^ 171: An Historical Monument - - 1881 - Eisenlohr, A..
  4. ^ 162: A season in Egypt, 1887 - - 1888 - Petrie, William Matthew Flinders.
  5. ^ 395: The Rise and Fall of the Middle Kingdom of Thebes - - 1947 - Winlock, Herbert Eustis; 72: The Graffiti of Pharaonic Egypt: Scope and Roles of Informal Writings (c.3100-332 BC) - - 2001 - Peden, Alexander J..


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